Saturday, May 16, 2020

Characters In George Orwells Animal Farm - 864 Words

Characters are important to the story because they put a deeper meaning into a story. This is true for Orwells book animal farm he makes the animals and the other characters represent people during the Russian revolution. Mr. Jones himself represents Czar Nicholas 2 of the Russian revolution. Overall, Mr. Jones had the most influence on the story out of all the animals on Animal Farm because he influenced the animals to rebel which is the main thing that leads to everything else in the story and he represents one of the main people in the russian revolution. Mr. Jones caused the story to happen the way that it did and he helps portray the deeper meaning of the story which makes him have the most influence on the story. He caused the†¦show more content†¦While he was at Red Lion Inn he was a stupid, desperate, vengeful, daring, mocking, confused, guy that got overtaken by animals. After the Battle of the Cowshed, he was just a poor, hopeless, discouraged, fearful, gloomy, h ateful, accepting guy that lost his farm. At the end, he was a poor, hopeless, discouraged, fearful, gloomy, hateful, accepting farmer that lost his farm and moved to a different site. With Mr. Jones going through many changes it makes you think of him as an important character, but just how important and what would the story have been like without him? As the Animals stated, â€Å" At last they could stand it no longer † (Owell, Pg 6) this shows that the animals could not take how they were getting treated, with context with paragraphs 8 and 9 on page 6 you notice how Mr. Jones was not feeding them and just never there.This is import because if he didn’t do that they may not have rebelled. Also as referenced by Old Major in his speech, â€Å" We are given just so much food as will keep the breath in our bodies and those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of our strength, and the very instant that our usefulness has come to an end we are slaughtered with hideous cruelty †¦ Nearly the whole of the produce of our labour is stolen from us by human beings † ( Orwell, Pg, 2 - 4 ) if Mr. Jones didn’t do these things the animals may not have rebelled or even have the ideas ofShow MoreRelatedCharacter Analysis Of George Orwells Animal Farm748 Words   |  3 PagesFight me! Animals have grown to understand humans and be like humans, until they learn to fight back, and keep the idea that they’re free, and then slowly morph back into the ways it used to be when humans were in charge. 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